Commonly Asked Question


This page will answer questions commonly asked by students and parents.



My child is experiencing some separation anxiety in new environments, what can we do to help the transition to preschool?

This is very common - each year a small handful of preschoolers go through this. Rest assured that while your child may appear very upset, it usually only takes a minute or two to settle into the opening activity and begin some interaction with classmates and they are ready for the day. Sometimes they may require a few hugs and some one on one time with a teacher or a parents helper as well. We are all eager and ready to help, so no worries!

The best advice we can give parents is to follow the daily routine of bringing the child to preschool in the car drop-off line and allowing the teacher to greet your child at your vehicle. You may see a few tears upon separation, but honestly, most of our preschoolers who struggle, only do so for the first few times coming to school. After that, they have witnessed how much fun school is and they look forward to seeing their friends each day. You should see their anxiety lessen, but it can take some time for them to adjust.



Do all snacks have to be healthy?

We prefer that you do not send in sweets for snack time unless it is a birthday or holiday. You may send in anything on those days. Also,due to allergies, we ask that snack be store bought and not "home made". Please keep nut allergies in mind. 
We are a ** No nut products ** environment. 



Are parents allowed to come to the classroom parties?

Families are always welcome to attend parties. However, please keep in mind, due to the size of our classroom and amount of students in each class, it can get crowded quickly.



Are parents allowed to help in the classroom?

Yes! If you would like to help in the classroom feel free to join us on your child's snack day or if another day works better, that is fine too.



Are siblings welcome in the classroom ?

If you are the parent helper you are welcome to bring student's siblings to class with you. 



What are the transportation arrangements for fieldtrips?

Children will be carpooled to fieldtrips by classroom parents. Each parent driver will sign a volunteer driver form showing proof of insurance. Volunteers will be requested before any trip. Each parent will be responsible for providing a car seat for their child.



Will there be a Christmas gift exchange?

We will have an exchange for the students. We ask that you spend no more than $5.00 on your gift.
Boys will buy/exchange with another boy and likewise, girls will buy/exchange with another girl.



How do I enter a Scholastic book order?

Go to Sign up or sign in. When prompted enter the one time class activation code of K9GC2. Place your order.



Should my child stay home if he/she was ill last night?

All God's Children follow the rule of the school district. If your child has had a temperature, please wait 24 hours after it has broke before sending your child back to school. If your child has had flu like symptoms (thrown up, diarrhea) again, please keep them home for 24 hours after the symptoms have quieted. Our only concern is trying to keep from spreading the illness to all 4 classes.



Do I need to call if my child will not be at school?

Yes, you may call the classroom at 586-6147 and leave a message, call/text Mrs. Priest at 480-6611 or email Mrs. Priest at



Can my child bring items to show on non-snack days?

If your child has recently been to a special event or vacation and has pictures or souveniers or if he/she has found something that would be of educational interest to the class (caterpillars, bird nests,etc...) then it can be brought in at any time. If your child brings toys or "snuggle item" he/she will be asked to leave it in the backpack.



Can I send birthday invitations to the classroom to be passed out?

Yes, the teacher will put the invitations in the communication folders. It does not matter if it is for all or only some of the students.



What do I do if I am running late to pick up my child?

The preschool policy on late pick-up (after 11:40/3:10) is that three warnings are given and then a late fee is assessed. As a courtesy to the teachers, please call the classroom     (586-6147) if you are running behind. Saving the classroom number in your saved contacts can be very helpful.



How do we know if the preschool is closed for weather conditions?

Mahomet schools occasionally close due to the heat at the beginning of the school year; we are air conditioned, so there is no need to worry about heat closures with the preschool.

During the winter months, please listen to your local news or radio station for school closures. If Mahomet school are closed for snow/ice/or wind chill related concerns, then       All god's Children will be closed as well.



Is the Communication Folder important?

Yes! It's a good habit to check the Communication Folder every day after school. May times we send important information home or forms that need filled out and sent back. If there was a minor problem that had to be addressed more then 3 times, I'll write a note to you regarding what it was about and place it inside your child's folder.
Please send any notes for me in the folder as well as tuition. While checking your child's folder, please also check their backpack for art work, projects and sometimes left over snacks. 

On a side note - the school district uses Communication Folders from Kindergarten through 5th grade. You'll already be in the habit of checking it when your child starts Kindergarten! laugh



My child is going home with someone different today. Do I need to tell you?

Yes, Please! We take your child's safety very seriously, so if you have asked someone else to pick them up from school, please either call us at the school or write a note and send it in their Communication Folder. 
Please give us the name of the person and what kind and color of vehicle they will be driving. We will ask to see identification to make sure they are who they should be.

Play dates are a whole lot of fun, but again, please send a note with your child if they are going home with a friend from class. You would not believe how many times the children will tell us they are going to have a play date... and really, they are not. So unless we get a note or call from you, they will not go home with another student.